Not quite the beginning, nor quite the end.

I don’t know what you’re like when you need to do a thing that’ll require the outlay of resources, but I tend to build hierarchies of tasks, like I’m breaking the problem into smaller parts.

Sometimes this is Very Helpful.

Other times — more times than I like to admit — it starts to look like a gamified skill tree, where I can’t do B or C until A is done, and A feels impossible, costs too much, or requires me to jump over a particularly tricky hurdle.

Maybe it’s urgency at the end, or an open kind of freshness at the start, but there’s something about the change of the calendar year that can rattle that habit.

Which is how you’re reading this. Because yesterday morning I declared that A could get fucked, and B and C would be accomplished by doing D, and that if I was going to achieve my goal of resurrecting a space of my own online by 2019, I needed to worry less about the prerequisites and do the damn thing.

So hey. Welcome.